Quick Links

Prepare your home for wildfire

Emergency and Evacuation

Home Hazard Assessment

Sign up for E911 Alert Santa Fe to receive emergency communications from officials

Ready, Set, Go: Your Personal Wildfire Action Plan - from Santa Fe County

En español: En Sus Marcas, Listos, Fuera! - from the City of Santa Fe

Surviving a Wildfire in Santa Fe - from the City of Santa Fe

En español: Guía de juventud - from the City of Santa Fe

Protect Yourself from Smoke Impacts- from the Santa Fe Fireshed

Wildfire Preparedness - ESRI story map from the City of SF Fire Dept.


Get Ready

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The fire season is now a year-round reality in many areas, requiring firefighters and residents to be on heightened alert for the threat of wildland fire throughout the year. Each year, wildland fires consume hundreds of homes in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). Studies show that as many as 80 percent of the homes lost to wildland fires could have been saved if their owners had only followed a few simple firesafe practices. In addition, wildland-fire related deaths occur because people wait too long to leave their homes.

Your fire department takes every precaution to help protect you and your property from wildland fire. However, the reality is that in a major wildland fire, there will simply not be enough fire engines or firefighters to defend every home. Successfully preparing for a wildland fire requires you to take personal responsibility for protecting yourself, your family and your property. Use the resources on the left to help you prepare.

Wildfire Preparedness

Take steps necessary to prepare your home for wildfire.

Read the Ready, Set, Go Wildfire Action Plan to learn what you can do today.

Watch the ESRI Story map from the City of Santa Fe Fire Department to learn more about wildfire preparedness.

Conduct a Home Hazard Assessment on your property.

Understand emergency and evacuation in your area.

Smoke Resources

Visit our page on smoke impacts to learn how to protect yourself and others from wildfire smoke,  and find out about the Coalition's HEPA filter loan program. 

If you have a question about smoke, call the on-call public service line: 505-827-0006